It has been really a long time since we had a NEVER BEEN SPANKED on the Spanked Sweeties site. This one is a bit of an odd story.
I had been looking for a new Sweeties model and the typical model was either spanked growing up or gets spanked in her adult life. An out of state model was referred to me by a model I have worked with many times and a shoot was scheduled with her, as she had been spanked often growing up. MzFionaX, who works at Sanctuary LAX and has appeared on the sites many times now, was signed on to play this model’s mom.
I even tweeted that I was excited to shoot with this model hours before the shoot was to take place, and that model retweeted my tweet. But just when Fiona arrived at 1:30, the time the shoot was scheduled, I received a text from this out of state model saying she will not be shooting with me today and sorry for the late notice.
Elektra Rose is first Never Been Spanked Sweeties in years
Well, needing to act quickly since Fiona was already there, I contacted one of the agencies I work regularly with and they had a few options of models that they could bring to the shoot in about 30 minutes. Elektra Rose seemed like the best option, a great option, and she was indeed there in 30 minutes.
This is the first real spanking this young lady ever received
A quick chat with the very young Elektra (she recently turned 19) put her in sort of an awkward category for the Sweeties site. She was never spanked growing up, not by her parents or friends. She never even heard of a birthday spanking. But now, she says she enjoys spanking and does it with her boyfriends sometimes. But fleshing out a little more info, she means an occasional playful swat here and there, mostly as part of making out. Clearly, she has never had anything that in any way shape or form resembled a real spanking. And that is exactly what Fiona gave her.
Brave girl tries the hairbrush
Elektra was quiet and shy at first, but eventually started getting more animated. We did a role play spanking first, after the interview, as a way of showing Elektra what a real spanking would feel like. Even though she appears stoic in the scene, afterwards she admitted to being in extreme pain from this slightly moderate spanking, and not asking us to stop despite the pain because she wanted us to have a good scene.
Elektra said she enjoyed the shoot despite the very sore butt
In the next scene, Fiona and Elektra basically converse during a spanking. Then Elektra gets a few of her missed birthday spankings to complete the Sweeties. She needed to know what she was missing.
I still strongly believe that there is a thrill to seeing a young lady spanked for the first time ever, even if it is (and almost always will be under these circumstances) a moderate level spanking, but one that leaves that young lady with a very sore bottom.
Eletra Rose was outstanding. Probably an improvement over the model who bailed at the last minute (and ended up shooting for someone else that same day). You will be seeing more spanking scenes from Elektra. Very soon. Possibly even next week for a Halloween spanktacular.