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Interview with Alex Reynolds


 Alex Reynolds is relatively new to the Spanking Website scene, but she has been shooting with many sites recently and is on the rise.  I have shot her for the Girl Spanks Girl site and we have been making plans for another shoot in the fall.  Alex was gracious enough to share some of her deepest thoughts about spanking and throughout the interview you can find out where you will find her scenes if you would like to see more of Alex.


CAMERAMAN:  Hello Alex, thank you for taking the time to answer questions for The Spanking View.

ALEX:  Hi! Thanks for having me!

CAMERAMAN: 1.  What was the first time you remember being spanked and can you tell us a little about that experience?

ALEX:  I sometimes played spanking games with my friends when I was a kid, but the first time that I got a “real” spanking was shortly after my eighteenth birthday. I had always thought about spanking all my life, but didn’t know how one could go about getting spanked until I discovered a leather strap that could have no use besides spanking hidden in the drawer of a male friend’s desk when I was snooping. I confided to him that I had been going through his stuff and seen this, and that I had always had spanking fantasies. Eventually, he agreed to give me a spanking. It was an extremely nerve-racking experience! I had always imagined what it would be like, but I didn’t know how it would really feel, how much it would hurt, how long it would last or anything like that. The actual spanking was amazing, though. He spoke to me in a very stern but kind voice about what he was going to do, then lifted my skirt, pulled down my panties and put me over his lap. He spanked me hard with his hand and I cried– largely because I was so overwhelmed with excitement, anxiety, relief and happiness that it was actually happening! And because it hurt! I remember spending a very long time looking at my butt in the mirror afterwards and asking myself if this was real or not. There a more detailed version of this story on My Blog.

CAMERAMAN:  2.  Were you spanked very often growing up and if so by relatives or friends or both?

ALEX:  I wasn’t really spanked when I was growing up. When I first went to school, I sometimes played games with my friends that involved spanking, but my friends never did it hard enough for my liking! Eventually, I became too shy and embarrassed to participate in these games. No adults ever spanked me for disciplinary reasons. I didn’t get a single swat. It was sometimes threatened, and I felt very afraid that people would see my face light up with excitement at the threat, but no one ever followed through

CAMERAMAN:  3.  What would you say your interest is in spanking?  And to what extent?

ALEX:  I’m pretty much interested in everything to do with spanking! I think about it ALL THE TIME. When I’m with spanko friends, it’s always coming up in conversation. I’m in a spanking based relationship with my boyfriend, too. I like the vulnerability of having my bottom bared and being put over someone’s lap to be spanked. I like the inevitability of it, too. When it’s announced that I’m going to be spanked, whether for punitive reasons or just for fun, there’s nothing that can be done about it. The power is entirely away from me, and I love that feeling (when I’m with someone I trust, of course!) I also like being spanked for fun: one of my best friends, Heather Michaels and I have made a bunch of silly videos where we spank each other with strange objects that we’ve found and laugh the whole way through. I can’t really explain WHY spanking is so special to me, but it really is my favorite thing in the entire world, and I’m constantly thankful for the opportunities that I get to use spanking as my profession, as part of my relationship, and as a way to connect with friends!


CAMERAMAN:  4.  Heather Michaels is indeed very pretty and spankable.  Hopefully I can shoot her for one of our sites some day!  So you enjoyed spanking Heather –   do you prefer to spank or get spanked or both?

ALEX:  I definitely prefer to be spanked. I like to spank other girls. It sort of feels more like playacting to me than anything, though, even if I’m giving a thorough spanking. It’s something that I am not bad at, but it isn’t deeply seated within me the way that being spanked is. At the end of the day, there really isn’t anything I like more than getting a spanking!

CAMERAMAN:  5.  What was the hardest spanking you received in real life and on film?

ALEX:  The hardest spanking that I received in real life is kind of a hard thing for me to pinpoint, because my emotions at the time are very influential to how hard I perceive things to be. The spanking that stands out as the hardest is a disciplinary spanking that my boyfriend gave me for being irresponsible and disobeying him. He spanked me while I was laying over pillows with a paddle made out of tire-tread. It wasn’t long at all, but it seemed like it hurt more than anything I’d ever felt! A lot of this was the result of my own disappointment in myself and my desire to submit to the spanking and really let it get to me. Another spanking which is memorable, and was certainly longer and more physically intense, was one of the first canings that I received. This was a spanking which I got simply because I’d asked to be spanked hard, as that was what I really wanted at that particular moment. I’d previously been afraid of canes, but I’d had a few shorter canings and had grown more comfortable. My boyfriend caned me quite hard for a long time with a fairly short cane while I was over his lap. It hurt A LOT but I felt very safe and pleased and comfortable the entire time. I was marked and bruised afterwards, and I liked that a lot, too.


The hardest spanking I’ve received on film was during the only real discipline video that I’ve ever done. It’s from a shoot I did with Lily Starr Spanking. Robert Wolf spanked me for being very irresponsible and disorganized during my first trip as a traveling model. He used his hand, a wooden paddle, two straps and then the cane. I cried very hard! I generally don’t like the idea of doing real discipline videos because it seems too personal, but I was very repentant about this and have a wonderful friendship with Robert, so it was very comfortable for me on an emotional level. It also helped me to let go of my guilt and get restarted as a responsible girl, and I’m pleased to say that I’ve had no repeats of that behavior! :D

CAMERAMAN:  6.  Tell us about how you became a spanking model.

ALEX:  I actually started out as a generic nude model. It was originally just something that I did for some cash when I was a college student. I found some gigs taking naked photos off of craigslist and I would bring a male friend along to make sure that I was safe. Eventually, I met some real art photographers and got into doing some awesome stuff. When I moved to Los Angeles, I started doing lots of nude shoots. It was my full time job. I sometimes did shoots with fetish themes– tied wrists, blindfolds, something shoved in my mouth, et cetera, but I felt too shy to do any actual fetish shoots. Around the same time as I started blogging, I got to the point where I felt confident about myself as a spanking enthusiast to want to be in spanking videos. I then started contacting various video producers in the LA area and did my first shoot! Getting more and more shoots has been easier since then, although I’m always still looking for modeling work (both spanking and otherwise!). I still think of myself as just getting started as a spanking model, but I do have big plans, and I love doing spanking videos so much!


CAMERAMAN:  7.  I don’t know if you realize this or not, but your first shoot with Clare Fonda was the last time she was spanked by a female.  Can you tell us about your experiences working with Clare and what was it like to spank her and get spanked by her?

ALEX:  I knew that my shoot with Clare was one of the last spanking shoots that she did. I didn’t know that I was the last female to spank her! That’s actually very exciting to hear: I guess that can be one of my “claims to fame.” When Clare and I had discussed the shoot during the planning phases, we hadn’t talked about me spanking her. It was something that we came up with near the end of the day. I was pretty nervous about it, because I’d never done a video where I topped and I wasn’t giggling the entire time! It was a scene that had quite a bit of talking in it, as well, but I managed to get into the right headspace to make myself sound Toppy. Once I got over feeling nervous about it, spanking Clare was a lot of fun. She was very responsive, and she has such a cute bottom, I just let myself get into it and stopped worrying about doing it perfectly. I think it turned out really well!



The whole experience of working with Clare was really great. She’s such a fun person. The scenes that we were doing were really well suited to my personality as a spankee: I really do think of myself as a good girl who is sometimes just very naughty and in need of correction, so getting into that character wasn’t any work at all. I enjoyed being spanked by Clare– she gave me hard but not brutal spankings, and her scolding was awesome to hear in person. I get the impression that a lot of girls don’t like doing so many scenes in one day (we shot all the scenes pretty much back-to-back) but for me, it was pretty much a dream come true! I’d watched a bunch of Clare’s videos ever since I first got on the internet, so spending the whole day getting spanked by her was an amazing experience. My favorite scene that we did together is the one where I get caught with cigarettes and Clare sends me to change into my pajamas for a spanking right in front of the doorway. I like being spanked in pajamas a lot because they feel so relaxed and cozy. One of my favorite pictures of me being spanked comes from that set:


ALEX:  My favorite thing about this photo (above) is the fact that my ears are all red, because I’m blushing from the embarrassing scolding that she’s giving me!

I was sad when you and Clare explained to me that she was retiring from the spanking scene, but I was very happy to have had a chance to have such a great shoot with her before she left. You were both so friendly and easy to work with, and I loved the fact that Clare’s house is full of cats and dogs. Snuggling a cat in between spankings is pretty much the best! 

CAMERAMAN:  8.  You have told me that you will be attending the Shadow Lane Spanking Convention Labor Day weekend.  Have you attended any others and if so, what was that experience like and what will you be looking forward to at Shadow Lane?

ALEX:  Yes! I’m really excited about it! I recently went to my first big spanking event: the Texas All State Spanking Party. It was very exciting because I got to see some of my long-time friends like Christy Cutie and Ten Amorette, plus I got to meet people who I’d only talked to over the internet before. I met lots of other people for the very first time and made some good friends. Did I mention that I got spanked a lot? It was very fun! I also did a bunch of video shoots, which I always love. Being in a big group of spankos and coming up with stories and ideas for videos was way easier than sitting at home and making them up all alone. I didn’t spend a lot of time at the demos or organized events because I was so busy during the party, but I hear that they were really great, too.

I’m looking forward to meeting even more people at Shadowlane, since it’s a bigger party and several friends who I haven’t seen in a long time will be there. I’ve also just begun to take private paid spanking sessions in addition to shooting videos, so I’m currently booking both shoots and sessions for Shadowlane. I can be reached about this at alexinspankingland@gmail.com. I’m very excited about this, because it gives me even more chances to connect with people into spanking that I might have otherwise missed! I’m also going to be going to Chicago Crimson Moon in July, and I’m doing both videos and sessions there. I think I’m addicted to spanking parties now that I’ve gotten a taste of them. I just can’t wait until the next one.

CAMERAMAN:  9.  What are your favorite and least favorite implements.

ALEX:  I like being spanked with a bare hand the best, but I also like hairbrushes and wooden spoons because they can be used OTK and have a nice, domestic feel about them. I also love leather paddles! Those just feel nice and make me all floaty and relaxed! It’s like a hand spanking only amplified. My least favorite implement would be a lexan paddle. The word “lexan” just makes me freeze where I’m standing! It’s the worst possible combination of sting and thud and it drives me crazy.

CAMERAMAN:  10.  Outside of spanking, what are your interests.

ALEX:  I’m basically a huge geek. I’m into a lot of sci-fi and comic books, things like that. I love reading and writing: besides being a spanking blogger, I’m also a fairly well published vanilla writer. I double majored in writing and film history when I was in college, and I love watching movies and talking about them. I’m very into cooking and being domestic, although I can’t say that I’m perfect at it yet. I do love spending time in the kitchen and trying out a new recipe, though. I’m also into playing video games, and I’m a huge indie music fan. My favorite band is The Mountain Goats, and I try to plan the shoots that I have to travel to around their tour schedule. Finally, I’m way too obsessed with cute things. I especially love it when I get to spend time with my friends’ pets, since I don’t have any living with me at the moment.

CAMERAMAN:  11.  Bonus question  - if you could spank or be spanked by any famous person who would it be and why.

ALEX:  In terms of real-life, living famous people, I’d want to be spanked by Nathan Fillion, the actor who played Malcolm Reynolds on the TV show Firefly. I’m kind of obsessed with him. I got the last name of my stage name from the character. I just love the sense of humor that I see from him in everything that he does and in interviews, and I’ve had Firefly related spanking fantasies ever since I first watched the show. Eek! I’m blushing just thinking about it.

CAMERAMAN:  Some might recognize Nathan Fillion for his current hit show CASTLE.  And who wouldn’t want to spank his co-star on that show?!  Thanks for sharing, Alex!

Sarah Gregory Interview


Welcome Sarah.  We have worked together many times and you have always been an excellent bottom and have grown in to an outstanding top. Here are 10 questions I would like to ask you.


1.  I remember being the one to record the first on-camera spanking you gave (see above photo as Sarah spanks Chloe Elise as Sarah’s first ever scene as a top).  You have come a long way since then.  To what do you attribute your ability to spank so much harder and fluently then that first time?

SARAH: The main thing I would say is just constant practice and working out so that I am a physically stronger person in general. My Momma, Dana Specht, has been working with me on my demeanor while topping and topping technique, especially on how to give a good solid hand spanking without hurting my hand like I used to.  Also, I have picked up a lot from her as far as scolding is concerned; she is one of the best with that. My daddy, Paul “Tubaman” Rogers, is writing a book called Spanking 101:The Book and filming set of videos to go along with it. I have been doing a lot of the implement demos for the videos, so while showing on video how to use each implement properly, I am also practicing and mastering each one. My favorite two to use is a flogger and a cane.


 2.  You had been a schoolgirl a couple of times in the Exclusive Education series.  Can you share what it was like to be one of the tops and spanking 8 lovely schoolgirls? (Above photo shows Sarah as the Teacher’s assistant in Exclusive Education 7)

SARAH: It was very different being on the top side of things for a change in EE. Don’t get me wrong, I loved being a student, but being a top, I was more able to help the flow of the shooting move smoothly (we did the whole thing in one take) and I was able to have more dialogue. Honesty, I enjoy topping much more these days, especially spanking girls who are either younger than me or around my age. I feel that since I know what I am doing, I can have a lot of fun with it. Also, being an actress, it is wonderful to be able to try out different roles.


 3.  Anything you want to share about working with any of these girls in particular in EE7?  (Above photo shows Sarah’s good friends Katherine St. James having a pre spanking snack while Christy Cutie does a little primping – even though she is always super cute).

SARAH: I really enjoyed working with all the girls. I love big shoots as I always love to meet models I have not met. It is great for networking in the business. Also, it was great getting to work with Christy Cutie and Kat St. James as they are two of my BEST friends in the industry. So, getting to spank them both was a treat.

 4.  We shot the schoolroom scene of EE7 without cutting.  I asked if you could keep the story going because I know in the past, whenever we cut, it took a long time to get everyone going again.  So here is a multi-layered question - what is it that gives you that ability to improv so well and keep a scene going like that – for over an hour?  And did you find any challenges in doing it this time?

SARAH: Well, I guess it has always been easy for me to improv quickly as I have studied theater most of my life. I have taken many acting classes as well as been in many theater productions since I was a young child. Growing up I attended summer theater programs as well. When I shoot videos for my website, sarahgregoryspanking.com, all of my videos are improv, so many years of practice just make it easy. I really didn’t find any challenges with keeping the story going non-stop. It was fun actually to not have to cut.

 5.  Some of my audience loves counting – ie the girls count out some of their spanks – some have been telling me how much they hate it recently.  What is your take on counting?  You had the girls do a little bit of counting (the last 25) EE7.  What was your inspiration to have them count the last 25 spanks?

SARAH: As far as inspiration, I just came up with it as part of the improv to spice things up and make it more interesting. I like to give the fans all a little of what they want. In my opinion, as you said, some like counting, and some don’t, so to have them only count some of the spanks and not all of them gave all the fans something they love. You gotta be able to attract as many people as possible, so to include as many different “hot buttons” such as counting, or white full bottom panties…etc helps with that.


 6. I have shot you blonde recently, but for EE7 you went back to your natural darker color.  It looked great I might add.  I like your look both ways.  Care to share why you went blonde and why you went back?  (The above photo shows Sarah with her natural hair color and her blonde hair she had for a while)

SARAH:  OK….so the blonde. Last fall I auditioned for a musical production. On the audition form it asked, “Are you willing to change your hair for the production?” I thought writing YES would give me a better chance of getting the role, plus I always wanted a reason to go blonde since I was 16. It was a perfect excuse, plus it’s only hair and it grows back.  So I went blonde in November of 2011 and the show went up in January of 2012. After the show ended, I didn’t want to go back right away as I was quite enjoying the change. It helped me to book some work and add a new look to my portfolio.  Most of my vanilla and spanking friends liked it as well. The main reason I went back to my natural hair was the amount of damage the constant bleaching of the roots was doing. My hair was breaking off so I have lots of short pieces around the hairline. It was also very dry and getting hard to style, not to mention the bleach was irritating my skin. So, although I did LOVE the blonde, it was not a healthy choice to stick with. Now I have wigs for change.

 7.  Often when I meet a model, she will talk about how she wants to get her own site going and she will have various other biz. Plans.  Very few ever do it.  You talked about it and you did it on a massive scale.  You have your own site, your blog, a clips store and you seem to attend every spanking convention and are a successful traveling model.  How do you do it?  Care to share any secrets?

SARAH:  Well, modeling is my FULL time job. I don’t have a “vanilla” job to worry about, so I go all out. When I want something, I go for it. I never half-ass something. It is just who I am. I am also very money driven. I like to shop and like to travel. I also think about the future and want to make sure I will be able to retire one day having been a spanking model. I put money every month into a retirement account. I also always looked up to Clare Fonda as business role model. She taught me a lot. I always would say, I wanna be like Clare with 5 websites. Well, I have one and am in the process of working on 3 more, so it may happen. I am very organized and care more about my business than socializing, dating, or other vanilla activities. I am perfectly content sitting in on a Friday night editing clips for 8 hours. That is fun for me. I also love the travel and I feel that if I didn’t go to every spanking party that I could, I might not be as successful. 50% of running a business if marketing and networking, and putting myself out there face to face with my fellow producers, models, and fans is a must. I think that if someone wants something bad enough, such as their own business, they can make it happen, you just can’t give up.

8.  To those reading this interview, I want you to know that Sarah is a very smart and introspective young lady.  With that in mind, I want to ask you, Sarah, what your thoughts are about spankos telling their loved ones about who they are and what they like?  Do you think this is a good idea, or a dangerous idea?  Basically coming out as a spanko?

SARAH:  I have mixed feelings on this. I have told most of my vanilla friends what I do. I feel that if they judge me or stop wanting to be my friend because I am a spanko, then they don’t love me for who I am and I don’t want to be friends with someone who doesn’t love the whole me, because being a spanko is a huge part of who I am. As far as the family stuff goes, I think one needs to tread more carefully when considering sharing with family. I recently told my mother about my kink (not that I do it for a living) and she is not taking it well. She says she wishes she didn’t know. This knowledge is taking a huge toll on her emotional being. So, I guess maybe not telling a family member to protect them emotionally might be wise. However, I told my father everything and he seems to be dealing with it ok. So, I would say coming out as a spanko should be treated carefully when dealing with close family based on their own emotional stability and values.  When choosing to tell your significant lover, I would think this is a MUST. I won’t ever settle again for dating a vanilla and think that if one is settling, they are not being true to what their needs are.

 9.  I know you love musicals.  Can you share anything about your non-spanking life?

SARAH:  Well, I do have a very busy non-spanking life. When I am not traveling for shoots, doing sessions, attending spanking parties, or editing for my website, I fill my time to it’s capacity. There is never a dull moment it seems. I am always busy. I audition and participate in many community theater productions in the fall and winter. I also take voice lessons and sing in a choir. I love spending time with my dogs and of course shopping. I enjoy watching many of my favorite TV shows which include, Weeds, True Blood, GossipGirl, and Law and Order: SVU. I also spend a lot of time in the summer going to yard sales and flea markets looking for props for my videos.


10.  Now that you are on Spanking Sorority Girls, you are one of three models to appear on all five CF sites – the others being Snow Mercy and Veronica Ricci.  I’m thinking that you haven’t spanked or been spanked by either of these models yet – though Veronica will be shooting with you at the Shadow Lane convention.   I know Clare Fonda loves working with you – so your personality and spanking abilities are why you are on all five sites.  Any thoughts on working on all of the sites (do you have a CF favorite?), and what it is like working with Clare Fonda?  (The above photo was from the last spanking shoot of Clare Fonda – Sarah was the last person Clare spanked on camera).

SARAH:  I feel VERY honored to be one of the 3 models on all of the Clare Fonda websites. I would have to say that my favorite two Clare sites are Naughty Diaper Girls, and Girl Spanks Girl, with my new third favorite being the new Sorority Girls website. I always look forward to the shoots that I do for you guys. I have been spanked by Snow Mercy now as she got to get a few smacks in on my bottom in EE7. I have also spanked and been spanked by Veronica off camera. I hope to be able to spank her on camera as well. As far as working with Clare Fonda….I can sum it up in a few words, amazing, professional, and fun. Clare is such a joy to shoot with whether she is in the videos with me or off camera helping. She makes shooting fun and her creative juices are always flowing.  I love her dearly and consider her one of my best friends and I respect her greatly.

Thank you for taking the time to interview me and ask me some great questions that really got me to think. I love a good interview.

Hugs and Spanks, Sarah Gregory

Interview with Heather Green


Heather Green is a beautiful new spanking model who I had the opportunity to shoot during the Shadow Lane convention recently.  She is tall, lean, has a curvy bottom and lots of energy.  She can take a very hard spanking, and is pretty good at giving one, as well.  She is just now making her mark on various spanking sites, and currently appears on Spanked Call Girls with her good friend Alex Reynolds.  Heather was gracious enough to give me outstanding answers to my 10 questions (plus a bonus one).  Here is what Heather had to say:


1.  Do you consider yourself a spanko (ie someone into spanking) and if so, when did you get started, how did it happen (first time if you remember) and how much of a spanko would you consider yourself?

HEATHER: I have considered myself to be into spanking since I knew what the word meant. I have been fascinated and slightly obsessed, with the idea since I was a very young child, but I was never spanked as a kid. I do, however, remember it being referenced quite often. There was a gold-backed children’s book about a mother cat and her kittens that had been very mischievous. It illustrated a picture of one of the kittens over the mother cat’s knee, kicking and crying during a spanking while the other kittens waited in line for their turn. I can’t describe why this gave me the chills as a six year old, but I distinctly remember looking over the back over and over in private (in my closet) for fear of someone seeing me reading it and thinking I was doing something wrong. It felt shameful for some reason. There were many, many other examples of this behavior through my childhood, teenage years and my adulthood. So I would definitely consider myself a 100% hard-wired spanko.

I’ve gone through the stages of discovering my obsession with spanking, being afraid of it, being ashamed and disgusted, finding others who were just like me, and finally accepting it as a part of who I am. It was a lengthy, and unfortunately embarrassing process, but I am who I am because of it.

My first spanking was when I was 20 years old by my current boyfriend. We weren’t romantically involved at the time, but we were both each other’s first real life experience with spanking. I met him through an online yahoo spanking group while he was overseas and I was living with my vanilla boyfriend of four years. We had been communicating heavily for two months prior to him coming to live in Vacaville, CA, located about 30 minutes from me. We talked about everything, he knew thoroughly who I was as a spanko before we met in person. I craved discipline and structure from someone independent and different from the social norm. He was exactly that, he was confident in who he was as a spanko and desired the same connection as me. We talked for up to eight hours at a time over instant messages. The first time he spanked me we were in his apartment hanging out like we usually did. I was a nervous wreck and he wanted to get the first time over with. It was purely experimental. We wanted to make sure we had the mechanics down before pursuing any type of discipline/structured dynamic. It took me almost 2 hours of sitting on the couch to finally go through with it. Once I was over his lap I remember thinking “wow, this isn’t a big deal at all”. It felt good to finally be in a position that I had craved since childhood. Things eventually escalated from there and we developed a very strong relationship both as a dynamic and a friendship.


2.  In our scenes, you switched – spanked and got spanked.  Do you have a preference?  How much do you like one vs. the other? (In the above photo Heather is demonstrating a very nice impact shot.  She prefers not to top, but she is still very good at it).

HEATHER: I definitely prefer getting spanked over anything else. I am unable to truly identify with topping, as I don’t feel dominant in any way as a spanko.


3.  You worked with your friend Alex Reynolds in our first scene, spanking each other.  What was that like?

HEATHER: I love Alex! We play really well off of eachother. Its usually very effortless. We have been getting spanked together for a while now, so I think we know each other’s vibe. We tend to keep it really goofy. The very first time I spanked her it was with a stock of celery and recorded on an iphone. I was really awkward with it but it was a blast. She’s actually gotten really good a giving a firm spanking, though. She knows how to make it feel ultra stingy with her hand. She definitely learned well from her Dom/boyfriend and one of my best friends Malignus. Honestly, I was really nervous about topping in a video since I have very little experience with it, but getting to do it with Alex made me feel a million times more comfortable.

4.  You worked with Veronica Ricci in the second.  What was that like?

HEATHER: Veronica is such a spunky and outgoing girl. She’s really good at improvising things to say in a matter of seconds, which in turn helped me stay on my toes and think quickly. The scene I did with her was probably the silliest one I’ve ever been involved in. I would absolutely love to work with her again in the future.


5.  In the scene with Veronica you had to play a character who was getting taught a lesson about blow jobs using a banana.  (Above photo shows Veronica spanking Heather for an upcoming scene on Spanked Call Girls in which Veronica teaches Heather how to give a BJ on a banana). How awkward was that and care to share anything about this experience (was it the first time giving a BJ to a banana)?

HEATHER: It wasn’t awkward at all because I was just having fun with it. My philosophy with any awkward situation is that if you don’t want to feel awkward, then you have the power to choose to not feel awkward.  So I made the conscious choice to just let it be fun! It certainly turned out to be outrageously silly, and I had to try really hard not to laugh, especially when I got yelled at by Veronica for biting the tip of the banana off and spitting it on the ground.

I can’t say I have ever practiced giving a blowjob to a banana, or any other phallic object for that matter. It was never high on the priority list.



6.  Most models say they channel a certain character or movie when the portray a call girl for this site?  How did you create your character?

HEATHER: I wasn’t used to having to be mean and catty to Alex. I had to think of some really mean things to say to her, that I normally wouldn’t even fathom saying in real life. The character type that popped into my head during that scene was the movie Mean Girls. I pictured myself as one of them; arrogant, self- absorbed, immature, and just plain mean! It helped a lot. It’s not normally in my nature to tell someone that I’m prettier or more suited for something than someone else (I had to say things along these lines). But I had to fake it and try my best to act like a rude, selfish, bitchy, call girl.

7.  What would you say the hardest spanking you received from a male, and the hardest from a female – that you feel comfortable talking about?

HEATHER: I made the mistake of getting two speeding tickets, going the same speed, on the same highway, and in the time span of two months. Travis (my top/boyfriend) was really not amused by this. He had already spanked me for the first ticket so when he found out about the second one, he gave me probably the hardest spanking I’ve ever had from a male. It consisted of his hand, a hairbrush, and many many strokes with his belt. I can’t say exactly how long it lasted, but I remember standing in the corner thinking it had been upwards of 30 minutes, and I would give anything for it to end. However, as I was standing in the corner, he asked me a question in which I failed to respond correctly by forgetting to say “sir”. This was an ongoing problem throughout the punishment so I knew it was the last straw. He held me by the waist while I was standing there and gave me some of the most severe hand swats that I have ever felt over an already very sore and red behind. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket since!!

8.  How often would you say you get spanked each month and what are some typical reasons for you getting spanked.

HEATHER: I get swatted at on a daily basis. My boyfriend and I are very playful in that sense. He swats me for having an “attitude” or saying something silly and dumb. Really anything I do can warrant a swat or two. Once in a while I will say or do something so outrageously silly that he will grab a flip flop, book, paddle, or anything within reach to swat me with. This usually ends with a laugh from him, and a grouchy face or slight tear from me. As far as the more serious stuff goes, I generally behave myself really well! It’s the big adult things that would warrant a serious spanking. Like getting a ticket, or most likely doing something that puts my health at risk. Overall, when it comes to the playful stuff, it’s daily, when it comes to the serious stuff, it’s rare.

9.  You seem very thin, but with a curve to your bottom.  Do you exercise (for the buns) and diet a lot?  What’s your secret?

HEATHER: I try really hard not to get into the dieting thing. It’s not healthy for an already healthy girl to think about it too much. I do, however, exercise almost every day. I’m a bit of a health nut in that sense. I’ve always been very athletic, so I easily feel a lull in my energy if that aspect is ever lacking, even a little bit. I don’t think there is a real secret that will work for everyone the same way. Personally, I just know that if I stay active every day, I’ll remain healthy and happy, and apparently acquire a curvy backside in the meantime ;)

10.  Any interests you care to share outside of spanking?

HEATHER: Lately I have been very fortunate to have the opportunity to travel frequently. I’ve seen a new country and over 30 new states. Many of these adventures I’ve been able to share with Alex, and I think we counted about 20 new states that we saw together. It keeps me feeling lively and I hope to continue exploring new places. I also am an avid snowboarder and can’t wait to see what this upcoming season has in store for me regarding that. On a smaller scale, I love reading, running/working out, my dog, my car, and swimming in large bodies of water J

11.  BONUS QUESTION:  What famous person would you like to spank?  And which one would you like to have spank you?  Pick one male, one female please.

HEATHER: I would like to be spanked by Ryan Gosling because he portrays himself in a very quiet, mysterious, and dominant manner. But he really seems so gentle. Also, he’s Ryan Gosling :P

I cant think of any famous person I would like to spank because I don’t really switch. But if by spank you mean hit really hard in the backside with a bag of rocks, I would have to pick any of the Jersey Shore characters.

Friend Ashley Rose on Spanked Sweeties


Sometimes I shoot models and don’t feel much one way or another.  They are doing their job and I am doing mine.

Occasionally (but very rarely), I shoot a model and find her to be annoying and hope that I don’t have to work with her again.

And once in a while, I shoot with someone who has a stand-out personality and I end up considering her a friend. Ashley Rose, the latest Spanked Sweeties,  is someone I consider a friend now.

Ashley Rose takes a hard spanking

Ashley is so sweet and fun to be around.  And she is a great model who cares about her work.  She has a nice, curvy bottom and even though she isn’t all about the pain, she is willing to take a lot of it getting spanked because she wants her work to stand out.

Ashley was spanked often growing up and though I am sure they were painful spankings, you can’t help but smile as Ashely goes through her interview on the site because she smiles and giggles and has almost fond memories as she lays out the discipline she received.  Does this mean that she enjoys spankings?  I don’t think so.

Ashley says she had a small sitter who spanked hard!

I’m not really sure what it means. If any of you watch her interview and the re-enactments she receives from “father,” “babysitter” – who is played by Casey Cumz, or her “Nanny” (played by Syren De Mer, then please comment on this blog.

Syren De Mer interviews and spanks Ashley

I would very much like to get to the bottom of this.  How can someone so sweet talk about getting spanked and have it bring a smile to the viewers face?  Hmmm.

Checking in with Clare Fonda!


It has been about a year since Clare Fonda transitioned into other projects outside of CF Worldwide. In that year, she has continued to have some valuable input into the sites as well as being a great friend to me. So it is definitely time for us to catch up with Clare and see what she has been up to.  Exciting stuff (including a brand new web site). Here are 5 questions for Clare.

Clare Fonda is now working as Jamie Foster – by any name she loves her pets

1.  You have been out of the spanking video scene for a year now. Do you miss it?

CLARE SAYS: With all due respect, no. I keep in touch with a lot of people from the scene and a lot of customers are more like friends now. I felt like I, personally, had gone as far as I could go in spanking. The Cameraman has expanded our business, and I’m really impressed with the new site, www.spankingveronicaworks.com and the variety of models he is working with. He is certainly stimulating the economy, at home and abroad. Plus now he and I get to go to boot camp together and work out, instead of shooting all the time. We even get to go drinking. It’s great!

Miss Chris forces Jamie to strip on Jamie’s new site

2. What are you working on now?

 CLARE SAYS:  I have had a variety of clips up on www.cutecougar.com for a few years now and I just opened www.jamiefosterstrips.com. It’s a FORCED STRIPPING site. As you know, this category is pretty big on Clips4sale and it’s unrepresented on the web. Of course I have www.naughtydiapergirls.com  - working with models who are diaper friendly, curious or at least willing to wear!

Jamie with long time super friend Paris Kennedy

3. Who are some of our models that you keep in touch with?

CLARE SAYS:  Hmmmm- let’s see, the top five. Well, as you know I see Eve Howard as much as I can. I am not going to Vegas to gamble- Eve, Tony and Butch are my sure things. It has been heaven in the Valley since Paris Kennedy moved back form the West Side. We have decided that since we have known each other for 12 years we are married by common law. Who gives a shit if I am straight! I saw Sarah Gregory this week and she is doing so well in this business and has grown into such a fine young lady. I’m very proud of Sarah, lunch with her tomorrow — and the cameraman, and I think Christy Cutie is coming a long. Will be nice to get to know her. Lorelei Mission and I shoot together and then go out to dinner.We also do some animal rescue and her content rocks.  Finally, Veronica Ricci and I keep in touch quite a bit. She is a generous soul, and doing well with her own creative vision I notice from the CFWW sites. I see a lot more of the models around but they are probably not reading this, so fuck it.


4.  Have you been getting spanked in real life?

CLARE SAYS:  Just at www.sanctuarylax.com where I work about once every six weeks. Spanked, flogged, tickled, tied up, mouthsoaped, you name it. I work as a sub there. Paris will be there with me at the end of this month. That girl is going to be busy.  Genesis is there- I know the Camerman shot with her last year and I remember how I introduced her to Shadowlane.  Now she is a major part of the LA Fetish scene. We both saw that coming. No, I have not been dating anyone regularly. I am either too busy and get stressed out by it or too subby for the guy and he just walks all over me. It’s okay. I sleep with 4 dogs in my bed. Maybe that is working against the whole “Soulmate” deal as well.

5. What does the future hold for Clare Fonda/Jamie Foster?

CLARE SAYS: Well, I believe that the Cameraman got Paris and I involved in a drunken promise to get spanked on camera when we work at the Sanctuary on June 30th.  I’m just taking it one day at a time ’til then.  See you at Boot Camp.

Thanks so much to my good friend Clare/Jamie for checking in with us!  As she says, I will see her in bootcamp. Please feel free to leave comments here or check in with her Clare Fonda Blog that she still updates.

Willow May Need a Spanking


See what I did with the headline for the post?  Willow May is the newest Spanked Sweeties and I made a pun that she “may” need a spanking. And her last name is “May.” Pun-ished you with that one. Okay maybe not such a great pun worthy of this outstanding new spanking model.

Willow May learns what an "F" gets her

Willow May learns what an “F” gets her

I am proud to say I was her first spanking shoot. She is 19 and already working at the Dominion, a dungeon in Los Angeles. She really has it all together and she is so cute and sweet you guys will love her.

Willow May goes otk with MzFionaX

Willow May goes otk with MizFionaX

She wasn’t spanked growing up, so she is a late comer to the spanking experience. You should check out her interview to see how she got into spanking.  She is interviewed by MizFionaX, who works at the other big dungeon in LA, the Sanctuary LAX. Willow also does a re-enactment with a customer of the Dominion to show what a typical session is like for her.

Fiona insisted this was a great spanking position. Agreed.

Fiona insisted this was a great spanking position. Agreed.

I have shot ladies from both establishments, the Dominion and Sanctuary LAX, many times, but this is the first time I have shot one from each dungeon in the same shoot, working with each other.

Wilow suggested corner time

Wilow suggested corner time

After interviewing Willow, Fiona plays her mom in a fantasy spanking scene that is quite excellent. It is something the two models came up with together. They really got into it.  Fiona looked for something that looked like a test and wrote a large “F” on it (for fail). Fiona suggested that at some point she should spank Willow while bent over the desk.  Willow liked the idea of writing while in the corner. Great chemistry.

I will need to get them both back for the big shoot later this year, whether it be schoolgirls, a slumber party or cheerleaders.

Return of “Never Been Spanked”


It has been really a long time since we had a NEVER BEEN SPANKED on the Spanked Sweeties site. This one is a bit of an odd story.

I had been looking for a new Sweeties model and the typical model was either spanked growing up or gets spanked in her adult life. An out of state model was referred to me by a model I have worked with many times and a shoot was scheduled with her, as she had been spanked often growing up. MzFionaX, who works at Sanctuary LAX and has appeared on the sites many times now, was signed on to play this model’s mom.

I even tweeted that I was excited to shoot with this model hours before the shoot was to take place, and that model retweeted my tweet. But just when Fiona arrived at 1:30, the time the shoot was scheduled, I received a text from this out of state model saying she will not be shooting with me today and sorry for the late notice.

Elektra Rose is first Never Been Spanked Sweeties in years

Elektra Rose is first Never Been Spanked Sweeties in years

Well, needing to act quickly since Fiona was already there, I contacted one of the agencies I work regularly with and they had a few options of models that they could bring to the shoot in about 30 minutes. Elektra Rose seemed like the best option, a great option, and she was indeed there in 30 minutes.

This is the first real spanking this young lady ever received

This is the first real spanking this young lady ever received

A quick chat with the very young Elektra (she recently turned 19) put her in sort of an awkward category for the Sweeties site.  She was never spanked growing up, not by her parents or friends. She never even heard of a birthday spanking. But now, she says she enjoys spanking and does it with her boyfriends sometimes. But fleshing out a little more info, she means an occasional playful swat here and there, mostly as part of making out. Clearly, she has never had anything that in any way shape or form resembled a real spanking. And that is exactly what Fiona gave her.

Brave girl tries the hairbrush

Brave girl tries the hairbrush

Elektra was quiet and shy at first, but eventually started getting more animated. We did a role play spanking first, after the interview, as a way of showing Elektra what a real spanking would feel like.  Even though she appears stoic in the scene, afterwards she admitted to being in extreme pain from this slightly moderate spanking, and not asking us to stop despite the pain because she wanted us to have a good scene.

Elektra said she enjoyed the shoot despite the very sore butt

Elektra said she enjoyed the shoot despite the very sore butt

In the next scene, Fiona and Elektra basically converse during a spanking. Then Elektra gets a few of her missed birthday spankings to complete the Sweeties. She needed to know what she was missing.

I still strongly believe that there is a thrill to seeing a young lady spanked for the first time ever, even if it is (and almost always  will be under these circumstances) a moderate level spanking, but one that leaves that young lady with a very sore bottom.

Eletra Rose was outstanding. Probably an improvement over the model who bailed at the last minute (and ended up shooting for someone else that same day).  You will be seeing more spanking scenes from Elektra. Very soon. Possibly even next week for a Halloween spanktacular.

Ivy & Lily Latest Sweeties


The last Spanked Sweetie, who still has scenes running, is the lovely Lily, who was not spanked growing up, but still has many spanking experiences to share (interviewed by Snow Mercy).

Lily gets whacked with a wooden paddle

Lily gets whacked with a wooden paddle

Lily works at the Los Angeles Dungeon, the Dominion.

Lily poses with the paddle that broke over her bottom

Lily poses with the paddle that broke over her bottom

One of our new features on the site is interviewing ladies from dungeons and asking them all about when they got into spanking and what experiences they have, which usually started later in life.



While re-enacting one of her dungeon sessions, we broke a paddle on Lily’s firm, curvy bottom. Pleasant surprise.

Ivy smiles - BEFORE Lana started spanking her

Ivy smiles – BEFORE Lana started spanking her

Ivy Sherwood is the newest Sweetie. She was spanked by her mom (who is played by Lana Miller) while growing up.

Ivy was spanked with a belt by mom for being naughty

Ivy was spanked with a belt by mom for being naughty

She is the traditional Sweetie, which still will be the backbone of the site.

Diversity of Moms


Lately on Spanked Sweeties we have been featuring a wide range of moms.

Miss Cassie spanks Uma Jolle

Miss Cassie spanks Uma Jolle

Miss Cassie was mom to ultra hot Uma Joelle. I did get a few complaints that Miss Cassie didn’t spank Uma hard enough, but as you can see from this photo, Uma got very speckled. All models have a different tolerance level and Miss Cassie appreciates this.

Clare Fonda is the top mom

Clare Fonda is the top mom and she uses the belt on Violet October

Clare Fonda has always been the most popular “mom” on the sites and her giving Violet October a hard punishment definitely received some nice feedback! Of course you can look forward to a lot more Clare to come on the site.  Mother may I.

Painful to be Lana Miller's daughter - if you are naughty

Painful to be Lana Miller’s daughter – if you are naughty

Lana Miller is also widely popular and really delivered as the mom to Sunny X.  I will work on Lana shooting with a couple of non-models she knows who are super cute, have big booties, and deserve a mommy spanking according to Lana.

Julie Simone fetish superstar, meet Ami Mercury, your new daughter

Julie Simone fetish superstar, meet Ami Mercury, your new daughter

Julie Simone is a fetish superstar and can be seen delivering some great spankings to Ami Mercury. Of course many of our moms are pretty young, but Julie understands that true mom/daughter spanking fans can appreciate moms of all ages.

Is An Li really old enough to be Lola Chan's mom? Maybe not, but she's old enough to play her and give her daughter a sound spanking

Is An Li really old enough to be Lola Chan’s mom? Maybe not, but she’s old enough to play her and give her daughter a sound spanking

Which leads us to our latest Sweetie, Lola Chan, who makes her film debut on our site. Lola is interviewed and spanked by “mom” An Li, a successful LA dominatrix, who also makes her debut in this release. They are very close in age, but there is an age play factor that works to perfection in their scenes, as An Li embraces the mature mom role, and Lola acts very young (and looks very young as well).

Hope you are all enjoying the wide range of “moms.”

All in the Spanking Family


Kira is the most recent lady on Spanked Sweeties.  She gives a great interview to Clare Fonda (who also plays her mom), and talks about how she grew up in a family with 11 kids, all very disciplined from the many spankings they received. This is the first spanking scene Kira has ever done and she says that she’s not really a model as much as someone who was interested in talking about her spanking experiences and re-enacting one.

Clare Fonda gets a great interview from Kira

She estimates that she was spanked well over 50 times as a naughty young girl, so you can only imagine that with 11 kids, there was some spanking being dished out nearly all the time in their household.

Kira says her mom gave her spankings with her hand, but sometimes grabbed the dreaded hairbrush

I have long wondered if spanking might be something that is dying out in our society as a form of discipline (while still going strong as foreplay), but there seems to be an endless stream of young ladies still being spanked when they act up.

This is what Kira used the cold bottle of water she asked for after Clare spanked her

Without judging whether it is an effective tool to correct bad behavior, I can say that it is good for business when it comes to this site, which is the favorite of many of our members. Hope you all enjoy and appreciate Kira’s very candid interview and excellent “mom” spanking she receives from Clare.  One cute behind the scenes note from the shoot:  Kira asked me for a cold bottle of water after shooting the scene. But she didn’t drink it – she used it to cool her bottom. Hence the above photo.  This was a very real spanking to her!

Meet Unusual Sweetie Alice Goods


Typically when I recruit a new Spanked Sweeties model, I contact someone and ask if she was spanked growing up and if she feels comfortable talking about it on camera. Surprisingly, considering the times, many of these young ladies were and are still disciplined with spanking. Some that weren’t spanked growing up, such as recent Sweetie Chrissy Marie, still have interesting stories to talk about and we then do a role play.

Alice Goods gets a firm spanking from “mom” Snow Mercy.

Current Sweetie Alice Goods ended up on the site in the most unusual way.  First, she contacted me upon a referral from Clare Fonda, who she reached out to about shooting. When a model I was trying to get for a custom shoot couldn’t make it, I contacted Alice, who agreed to do her first ever spanking shoot – with the full blessing of the custom producer (shout-out to Ms Ash).

Alice explains to her friend Elori Stix that in this house you are never too old to get spanked

The custom was a mother/daughter shoot, and as per the custom, Snow Mercy was requested to play the mother. Alice said she got spanked often growing up, but had never been spanked since she was a teen. So we used the custom on Sweeties, and had Elori Stix, who plays her friend in the custom, interview her.  It is a brief interview, but loaded with juicy spanking memories. I’m entertaining the idea of one day shooting Alice again and having Clare talk to her more and play her mom, so we can re-enact Alice actual spankings.

Elori learns first hand just how hard “mom” Snow Mercy can spank a naughty girl

But as it stands, Alice’s Sweeties contribution is significant. It was a very real spanking she received from Snow. Her bottom got red, speckled and was VERY sore afterwards, but she wanted to take it as hard as she was able to – and then some. This tall Australian beauty also agreed to try her best American accent – which was respectable. She was a runway model there and we’re pleased as punch to have this gorgeous lady on our site.

She is game to shoot again, so perhaps I’ll shoot her more for Sweeties, and definitely for the next Exclusive Education!

Ashley Lane Bursts Onto Spanking Scene


Ashley Lane is beautiful, with a very nice body and she loves spanking. She explodes onto the spanking scene this week, with her debut on Spanked Sweeties. She is interviewed by Clare Fonda, and reveals that she was spanked often by her mom and dad while growing up and that she enjoys spanking in her personal life now.

Ashley’s curvy bottom is on display as she gets spanked by her “dad”

She is thin, but has a nice curvy bottom that can receive a good spanking. Clare plays her mom for one of the re-enactment spankings.

Clare Fonda (as the mom) gives Ashley a sound OTK spanking on Sweeties site

Next Thursday, Sept. 14th, Ashley will make her debut on Girl Spanks Girl in a very severe scene with Veronica Ricci revising her role as the strict border cop who punishes bad girls who try to smuggle drugs into her country.

This scene will debut Sept. 14 on Girl Spanks Girl site

Veronica spanks Ashley with her hand and hairbrush and then whips, canes and paddles her, as well as spanking her over her knee with a wooden bath brush.

Veronica is very strict with the implements in this series

Ashley’s squirms and squeals are very real in this scene. It is part two of the “Punished at the Border” series, with part one starring Linny Lace.

Ashley’s bottom was bruises for a week after this shoot, she says

Ashley said that she enjoyed the punishment all except for the wooden bath brush, which exceeded her expectations on the pain level. She moved around so much during the bath brush spanking, that Veronica had to use her legs to lock Ashley in over her lap and prevent her from moving while she continued to pummel Ashley’s bottom with the bath brush. The end game is to make Ashley admit her guilt and say who her dealer is.

Ashley got VERY sore from the wooden bath brush

Since Ashley is such a great spanking model, and still very new to the scene, we have big plans for her and hope to feature her in many upcoming episodes on our various sites.

Happy Spankgiving from Star and Newbee Riley Anne


We recently shot with new model Riley Anne, who did her first ever spanking shoot and we have released her Spanked Sweeties scene and just in time for Halloween her Thanksgiving scene on Girl Spanks Girl.

Newbee Riley Anne plays Star’s sister for a Thanksgiving treat

In the holiday special, Star Nine, dressed as a Native American, plays Riley’s sister. Riley is dressed as a sexy pilgrim. The two ladies are preparing the Thanksgiving dinner when Riley says some ignorant and offensive comments about the relationship between the original native Americans and pilgrims.

Star gives Riley a Rump Roast instead of a turkey this Thanksgiving

Her older sister decides to teach her a lesson by putting her over her knee right there in the kitchen for a sound spanking. Riley said she enjoys being spanked, but we really tested her limits, which aren’t that of the typical submissive spanking star. It was a very real and painful spanking, which she asked for, and got her bottom quite red and sore for reel.

Star also plays Riley’s young mom on Spanked Sweeties

She asked for ice for her bottom between scenes, so we worked that into one of her Spanked Sweeties re-enactment scenes. Riley was very shy, but Star coaxes a very thoughtful interview out of her all about her spanking experiences.

So enjoy Star and our newest model Riley Anne as the take you through a very happy, red-bottomed Spanksgiving!

Misty Stone Does Her First Spanking Shoot


It was super exciting shooting with the sexy Misty Stone, a superstar in the adult biz. Since she hadn’t done a spanking shoot before, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But she was very sweet and wildly entertaining. She talked a lot behind the scenes, sharing many humorous stories and dropping some celebrity names she has worked with outside of the adult biz – as a legit actress in movies and TV shows and even a video game.

Misty loves her implements

She quickly mentioned that she did have experience as a spanker, many of which she shares for her interview up now on Spanked Sweeties. She has done some professional domming, which she says is always sensual.

Dria plays Misty’s sensual slave

To capture her sensual side, we have a re-enactment scene with Dria as her slave.

Misty also takes a firm spanking from her mom

But since Misty was also spanked growing up, we have Lana Miller playing her mom. Misty is a high energy performer and it was easy to see why she is so popular.

But it was also reassuring to find her so easy to work with.  You will definitely be seeing more of Misty on your spanking sites.  So stay tuned.

Top 25 Spanking Scenes of 2017


As is now an annual tradition, I have a list of the top 25 spanking scenes released in 2017. Of course there is a bias toward the CF sites, and to GG spankings, but never-the-less, this is a fantastic list of must see spanking action, including most of the top spanking models in the world, along with some newbees and some exclusive to our sites.

Great Spanking COS play

25. Episode 100 of Spanking Veronica Works

It includes 2017 Penthouse Pet of the Year Jenna Sativa, sexy big bottomed adult star Mandy Muse and spanking regulars Veronica Ricci and Madison Martin in a superhero spanking epic that includes cheesy special effects and lots and lots of spanking.

Good spanking action and great role playing

24. An Li spanks Lola Chan as her mom in Spanked Sweeties

They are close in age, so it requires some fantasy work on the part of the viewer, but both ladies embraced their roles and this was a very true spanking re-enactment.

Good mother-daughter action follows excellent interview

23. Chrissy Marie on Spanked Sweeties

Lorelei Mission taps into what really makes exciting new model Chrissy Marie tick. And gives her a very real spanking as her strict mom.

This is in Snow Mercy’s dungeon

22. Snow and Channel on Spanked Call Girls

Snow Mercy is a world class dominatrix and we get to see her work on a submissive Channel Heart in Snow’s actual dungeon.

Breaking implements on a big bum

21. Ami Mercuri on Spanked Sweeties

This scene features fetish superstar Julie Simone as mom to Ami Mercury re-enacting a real spanking her mom gave her in the kitchen, even breaking an implement on Ami’s curvy bottom.

She really cried onto this paper

20. Episode 242 on My Spanking Roommate

Kitty Catherine is great at crying when she gets spanked because, well, it hurts and is embarrasing. Her spanking from a heavy hand-only punishment from Veronica, brought tears that fell onto her roommate rules list she reads from while getting her big bottom turned bright red.

Mother-daughter counseling should always include spanking

19. Episode 87 of Spanking Veronica Works

Syren De Mer gave Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) a really nice spanking as part of her mother-daughter counseling.

The only MF scene would naturally include John and Sarah

18. John Spanking on Spanked Call Girls

John Osborne as a “John” gives a very bratty Sarah Gregory an outstanding spanking that cracks the list even though it’s MF.

This is a great follow up to the mom (Lorelei Mission) spanking these two girls

17. Bad Girls on Spanked Call Girls

Veronica gives Chrissy Marie and sound spanking with a wooden bath brush, and also spanks her sister because their mom doesn’t want them to be Call Girls.

Superstar Misty Stone gets a good spanking

16. Misty Stone on Spanked Sweeties

Adult Superstar Misty Stone gives a candid and energetic interview about her spanking experiences before getting spanked hard by her “mom” Lana Miller.

Stevie Rose is becoming an excellent top

15. Episode 255 on My Spanking Roommate

Stevie Rose has become a great top, as you will see from  in which she spanks Kay and Elori Stix. Includes a mirror to help see the bottom and reactions at the same time.

Stern Clare Fonda goes to town on naughty big bottoms

14. Episode 96 of Spanking Sorority Girls.

Clare Fonda gives big bottomed Kira an outstanding spanking and paddling in this scene.

Elvira can’t help but spank Christy Cutie

13. Episode 1 on Spanking Veronica Works

Veronica plays an excellent Elvira and Christy Cutie is of course one of the all time great spankees, as she demonstrates in this scene.

Apricot Pitts in running for best new spanking model

12. Episode 133 of Spanking Sorority Girls

See new spanking model Apricot Pitts show off her great receiving abilities and verbal skills in this one.

Harley breaks an implement on Kay’s bottom

11. Episode 258 of My Spanking Roommate

Harley Havick is gaining a reputation as a hard spanker, as Kay learns in this outstanding scene.

Possibly the sexiest spanking ever

10. Angela Sommers on Girl Spanks Girl

In this erotic scene, we feature two stunning bodies, Angela along with Christine Carter that includes great ass-showing angles, some sexy making out, and very sound spanking action.

Unmatched energy and great spanking

9. Episode 94 of Spanking Veronica Works

This scene features some brilliant verbal domination with Veronica’s race car driver showing her mechanic Lily White some hard discipline for screwing up.

An excellent naughty schoolgirl scene

8 Episode 127 of Spanking Sorority Girls

Snow Mercy is the teacher giving hard discipline to a very defiant Amelie. Snow turns her big bottom bright red. This is one of the best ever  defiant naughty schoolgirl called into the teacher’s office scenes ever!

Harley plays a convincing diva in need of a hard spanking

7. Episode 90 of Spanking Veronica Works

This time Harley shows how she can take a good spanking as Veronica plays the director of a play teaching the diva actress a painful lesson with that dreaded wooden bath brush.

Snow was “clowning” around as she brought the heavy spanking to this scene

6. Clown Spanking on Spanked Call Girls

This was a scene suggestion from Elori Stix, who along with her clown friend Nova take some harsh punishment from their madam Snow Mercy, who also is dressed as a clown. It is a fun scene, but the spanking is real and it’s hard.

Hottie Ashley Lane can take a hard punishment

5. Punished at the Border Part 2 on Girl Spanks Girl

Sexy Ashley Lane shows that she can take some heavy punishment, with Veronica spanking her with hand, hairbrush, bath brush and caning and whipping her for an hour, leaving her crying on the floor.

One of best Sweeties ever requires Clare Fonda as the mom

4. Ashley Lane on Spanked Sweeties

Ashley gives an interview about her spanking experiences then gets spanked by Clare Fonda, who is worthy of playing the super hot mom who can deliver strict discipline. This is really one of the best mother-daughter spanking scenes of all time.

Totally nude spanking

3. Episode 14 of My Spanking Roommate

Dani Daniels is a popular top and here she gives her best spanking ever to poor Kay. It’s surprising hard and Kay’s reactions are very real. She was sore for days after this. And it’s nice to see two hotties totally nude.

Tons of amazing spanking action!

2. EE11 Part 1 on Girl Spanks Girl

In this sleepover setting, Bella Bathory punishes 6 bratty bottoms, including Maddy Marks, Elori Stix, Stevie Rose and the super sexy Angela Sommers. The best traditional spanking epic of the year.

This scene may not be for everyone, but no denying it is powerful and stands out

1. Punished at the Border Part 1 on Girl Spanks Girl

This one received the most feedback I have ever received on a spanking scene. It was a bit controversial due to its severity, intensity and the fact that it drew blood from Linny Lace. But the intensity and domination depicted here is rarely found anywhere. It’s strangely sexy and powerful beyond description. You have to see it to believe it and that’s why it falls as number 1 spanking scene of the year, even though EE11 is the safer choice.


Rocking It With Ashley Lane


A couple years ago a model/friend (Star Nine) recommended a new model to me.  Ashley Lane. And thought she be great with spanking. It didn’t work out to book them together, but I booked Ashley for a Spanked Sweeties with Clare Fonda playing her mom.

Clare plays Ashley’s mom in her first spanking scene

It was a sensational shoot and Ashley has gone on to shoot for many other spanking sites and she even does boy/girl adult work now and has really blown up as a model. But she remains that sweet, humble, sexy sweetie that I first met a couple of years ago.

Ashley was included in the Exclusive Education mega-girl shoot

I have of course shot her many times since that first shoot, including some severe shoots and some sexy shoots, and even the big school girl shoot on Girl Spanks Girl, EE12.

Here are a few behind-the-scenes shares about Ashley.

Ashley was made to eat chocolates out of bowl with a sore bottom on Call Girl site

She has a quirky sense of humor and she can bust out laughing in a scene, ESPECIALLY when she works with Clare Fonda.  At first we would cut, but now when she works with Clare and she laughs we work it into the scene. Clare is hilarious of course so Ashley’s not the only one who is a threat to crack up during a scene her Clare. There is a scene on the Spanking Sorority Girls site, though, that includes an outstanding outtakes clip if you would like to see her cracking up.

Be sure to check out the outtakes for this scene on sorority site to see Ashley cracking up BTS

While Ashley is super sexy and in great shape, she often arrives on set with a bag filled with a GIANT burger and french fries.  She loves burgers so it would seem – but definitely works off the carbs quickly. Ashley is very tall – about 5ft 9in, and for some reason even seems taller on set. She has great hair for spanking. Some models don’t know what to do with their hair – it flies all around during shoots or gets in their faces – but

Ashley picks things up quickly like she did in this complicated Roommates scene and see how her hair is behaving!

Ashley seems to have hair that always behaves.  Ashley appears very intelligent. I don’t have any idea what her IQ is, but she always comprehends and executes scene scenarios no matter how complicated the direction and is very well spoken and thoughtful.

This is the first time Ashley Lane ever spanking anyone

And finally, Ashley is becoming a respectable spanker, having done her first ever topping on our sites, when she spanked Veronica Ricci on Spanking Veronica Works. She was decent then, and has spanked many others while improving a great deal!

Ashley is awesome and we will continue to work with her on all of the sites. So enjoy this amazing lady!

Spanked Sweeties Feeling Real


There have been some very realistic re-enactments lately on Spanked Sweeties. The most recent one includes Miss Anna as the mom and Kiki Cali as her naughty daughter. Miss Anna interviews Kiki before re-enacting 2 spankings Kiki received in her real life from her mom.

Kiki Cali gets a hard spanking from her mom (played by Miss Anna)

The first, in the bedroom, was for staying up and watching TV instead of going to bed like she was supposed to.

Kiki will agree that the wooden bath brush hurts like crazy!

The second spanking, in the living room, includes the dreaded wooden bath brush. If you are fan of mother/daughter spanking scenes, this is as good as it gets!  Perfection.

Coming next week Mackenzie Reed gets a fantasy spanking – very real – from Clare Fonda

And next week, the new Sweeties will star Mackenzie Reed and Clare Fonda, and it’s a great one, too, though it’s more of a fantasy spanking from the creative mind of Mackenzie. Still a very real spanking for Mackenzie, who will be making her debut on our sites with the interview and spanking scene.

Lots of great stuff headed your way!!

Sweeties Remastering Begins With Kenzie


We are starting a slow but rewarding process of remastering older Spanked Sweeties scenes from time to time. It begins with Kenzie Ashley, a model who came to Los Angeles from the Midwest for a few days a number of years ago, looking to get into adult modeling.  She was 20 years old at the time.

Clare Fonda spanks Kenzie over her very tight jeans

We are the only shoot she ever did, and then she moved back after only a few days of giving it a go. She was very sweet and had a good time on our set, but it seems like she moved back because she changed her mind about doing hardcore material for other non-fetish sites.

As far as we know, this is the only shoot Kenzie had

Kenzie had never received a spanking of any kind before shooting with us, but since she was very athletic and very game, she took a very sound spanking from Clare Fonda, after being interviewed for the site. As far as we know, this is the one and only time she was ever spanked and it’s all here for you to watch again with better resolution, and also available for mobile device users now, too.

Clare Fonda gives Kenzie a very hard spanking – her first ever!

Kenzie did two other scenes for us for 2 of our other sites after shooting this one, and those will be remastered in the near future. Quite a unique situation with a lovely lady.

25 Top Spanking Scenes of 2018


As is tradition now, I like to end the year with what I consider the top 25 spanking scenes from 2018.  Of course since I’m biased, the list consists of scenes that appeared on our 7 sites the past year.  Going backwards, here are the magnificent twenty-five:

Nadia White is the babysitter giving Riley Anne that never-too-old spanking

25:   The Babysitter Spanking on Girl Spanks Girl

Nadia White did a great job giving Riley Anne a firm spanking as her new babysitter hired to discipline this young lady. Gotta love those short-shorts. Riley is made to read the new rules while getting spanked.

Madison Martin shines as a regular on My Spanking Roommate

24: Episode 271 of My Spanking Roommate

Madison Martin is still a regular on this site and she gives a sound spanking to her curvy bottomed roommate AlexH.

Stevie Rose demonstrates what a great top she has become on Spanked Call Girls

23:  Stevie Punishes the New Girls on Spanked Call Girls

Stevie Rose has become a great top and she spanks new girls Cleo Love, Kitty Catherine and Nuna Starks to teach them a lesson about being callgirls.

Clare Fonda spanks the always great Ashley Lane in the office

22: Halloween Spanking on Girl Spanks Girl

Ashley Lane is extremely popular in the fetish world and Clare Fonda was great as her boss who spanks Ashley for wearing a slutty costume to the office.

Chrissy Marie gets a red bottom from the hairbrush

21: Episode 123 of Spanking Veronica Works

Veronica Ricci plays a translator who gives students Lola Anderson and Chrissy Marie hard spankings.

Giant elf Mia Vallis paddles elf Elori Stix

20 Elf Spanking on Girl Spanks Girl

Mia Vallis is a giant elf who spanks Elori Stix for being a bad elf. She breaks the “bad” paddle on Elori’s bottom.

Diva Rachel is brought to tears by bodyguard Veronica

19: Episode 119 of Spanking Veronica Works

Veronica is a bodyguard who brings Rachel Adams to tears with a hairbrush, after Rachel is acting like a spoiled diva.

Riley Nixon is a successful adult model who gets spanked by Clare Fonda in the kitchen

18: Madam Clare Punishes Riley on Spanked Call Girls

Riley Nixon got a hard spanking from Madam Clare Fonda for throwing out her health food.

Kay Richards does her thing as a regular on the Roommates site

17: Episode 267 of My Spanking Roommate

Kay Richards and Elori Stix shine in this scene spanking a naughty Stevie Rose.

Clare Fonda gives Reyna St. Clair a great spanking on Spanked Sweeties

16: Reyna St. Clair on Spanked Sweeties

Reyna St. Clair gives a great interview and spanking re-enactment with Clare Fonda.

Kiki Cali gets spanked by her mom (played by Miss Anna) with a wooden bath brush

15:  Kiki Cali on Spanked Sweeties

Kiki Cali is a tiny young lady who get spanked by her mom (played beautifully by Miss Anna) growing up.

Nikki Turner and Ashley Lane gets hard spankings

14:  Episode 157 of Spanking Sorority Girls

Veronica Ricci gives a really good spanking to Nikki Turner for bullying and then Ashley Lane for allowing it. Lots of red butts in this one.

Luci Lovett gets a harsh spanking from her mom (played by Madam SamanthaB)

13: Luci Lovett on Spanked Sweeties

Madame SamanthaB does a great job of interviewing Luci Lovett about her spanking experiences and then playing her mom for a re-enactment.

Clare Spanks Adriana, the naughty call girl

12:  Madam Clare Spanks Adriana on Spanked Call Girls

A short but sweet scene as Clare Fonda and Adriana Evans really bonded.

Strict Zoe Punishes Apricot Pitts

11: Madame Zoe Paddles Apricot on Spanked Call Girls 

Miss Zoe Page demonstrates how dominant she can be as she plays a madam who punishes Apricot Pitts for exploring other cat houses.

Jenna Sativa returned to our sites this year

10: Jenna Sativa on Spanked Call Girls

Jenna Sativa returned to our sites to give Juliette March a painful spanking and completely dominated her.

Stunning Angela Sommers was a bride who get spanked

9: Episode 112 on Spanking Veronica Works

Veronica plays a wedding planner who gives a sound spanking to the stunning bride Angela Sommers. This one is so good it hurts!

Julie Jolie shows off her amazing bottom in detention

8.  Detention Scene on Girl Spanks Girl

The round bottomed Judy Jolie gets a spanking in the classroom in this instant classic.  Clare Fonda is the teacher.

A very traditional punishment for a bad secretary

7: Bad Secretary on Girl Spanks Girl

Strict boss Snow Mercy spanks and canes the naughty Arielle Lane is this traditional scene.

A hard spanking in the bar

6:  Episode 121 on Spanking Veronica Works

This outstanding bar set was used extremely well as bartender Veronica Ricci spanks rowdy customer Joy Luck. This one was hard.

Exclusive Education 12 kicked off our year

5.  EE12 on Girl Spanks Girl

Lots of bad girls in schoolgirl uniforms get spanked by teacher Snow Mercy and Principal Clare Fonda. Lots and lots of red, sore bottoms.

Miss Bernadette makes a great nun who punishes Sarah Gregory

4:  Episode 183 on Spanking Sorority Girls

Miss Bernadette does a spectacular job of playing a nun who spanks and straps Sarah Gregory. Great chemistry with these two!

Our most severe spanking of the year

3: Dria Punished Severely on Girl Spanks Girl

Snow Mercy and Veronica Ricci plays dommes who were hired by Dria’s wife to punish her for cheating. They spank, whip, paddle and cane her into submission.

Instant classic with Clare Fonda and Violet October

2:  Clare Punishes Violet on Girl Spanks Girl

The conclusion of this series ran earlier this year, but it is memorable for its energy and traditional spanking that concludes with Step-mom Clare Fonda paddling Violet October.

Great bottom, great set, great spanking

1. Episode 117 of Spanking Veronica Works

The scene combines an outstanding set, Dria’s amazing booty and Veronica at her strongest playing a sexy nun who spanks Dria with a wooden spoon after hearing her confess.

Hope you have enjoyed these scenes from last year and be sure to check out more outstanding spanking in 2019.

Best Spanking Scenes of 2019


It’s that time of the year again – as the clock winds down and we look back at 2019 with the “best of” lists. Here are what I consider the top 20 spanking scenes of the year, counting down.

Clare spanks adult star Esperanza Del Horno as Sabina Rogue watches. Gulp. She’s next.

20. Spanked Call Girls – Esperanza Del Horno gets her curvy bottom spanked by Madam Clare Fonda in her spanking scene debut. And so does adult star Sabina Rogue. And Clare even has them spank each other.

Madame SamanthaB plays a strict mom who delivers a hard spanking to daughter Lola

19. Spanked Sweeties – Madam SamanthaB is great at talking and spanking which is perfect for this scene in which she interviews bubble butt Lola Belle about her spanking experiences and then plays Lola’s mom who spanks her hard for being stoned and coming home late.

Julie Simone delivers as the angry mom who gives a hard spanking to her bratty daughter

18. Spanked Sweeties – Fetish superstar Julie Simone interviewed and spanked Lola Anderson and this scene has a very realistic vibe to it.

Veronica gives Arielle Lane a spanking with the boot paddle and it’s like a kick to the ass

17.  Spanking Sorority Girls – In Episode 215, Veronica Ricci was hired by Arielle Lane’s mom to deliver a really hard spanking with a paddle that is the shape of a rubber boot on one side and wood on the other. Message received.

This is the first appearance of the dreaded wooden bath brush on this list as Iris feels it – ouch

16. Spanking Veronica Works – The wooden bath brush is light enough to swing very hard and dense enough to deliver intense pain. In Episode 158, tall beauty Iris gets to feel that pain as delivered by Veronica Ricci, who is especially good with this weapon of ass destruction.

Bella Rolland is a perfect Wonder Woman and who wouldn’t want to see her get spanked?

15.  Spanked Call Girls – Madam Clare spanks stunning Bella Rolland then teaches her how to spank. Adult star Bella looks so much like Wonder Woman that we had to include that costume in our spanking scene. It may not as hard as other scenes on this list, but the visuals are stunning. And oh the legs on these 2 tall hotties!

Kay Richards spanks new roommate Adriana Evans on her juicy booty with a hairbrush

14.  My Spanking Roommate – No spanking list would be complete without a scene from Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane). In Episode 334, Kay spanks that juicy booty belonging to Adriana Evans, while she reads the apartment complex rules. Painful and humiliating.

Red August is known for her diaper scenes so why not include that on one of our sites?

13.  Spanking Veronica Works – Veronica Ricci plays the nanny who is hired to watch and discipline Red, who is a grown lady. She gives Red an extremely hard spanking with the wooden bath brush in Episode 131, leaving some crazy marks, then humiliates her by getting her into a diaper.

Kay can take a sound spanking proven here by Maddy Marks and a wooden bath brush

12. My Spanking Roommate – It’s Kay’s turn to get a spanking in Episode 328 and she can take a hard one. Maddy Marks plays a maid in this spanking soap opera and really enjoys spanking the bratty Kay.

Turns out Porn Star Riley Nixon can really deliver a sound spanking and paddling

11.  Spanking Sorority Girls –  It’s always a pleasant surprise when we cast a porn star and it turns out she can deliver a hard spanking. In episode 206, Riley Nixon gives Clare Fonda a hard one. And she dresses up as a sexy nun as a bonus.

Porn star Blair Williams is very strong, which Elori Stix discovers the hard way

10.  Spanked Call Girls – Turns out porn star Blair Williams can deliver an even harder spanking.  She is very strong, which Elori Stix discovers the hard way in this scene.

Snow Mercy will always find a place in the top 10 on any legitimate spanking list

9.  My Spanking Roommate – Snow Mercy will always appear in any top 10 – if it is a legitimate spanking list. This pro domme excels at all things spanking. In Episode 329, Snow gives new roommate Aali Kali a good old fashioned sound hand spanking.

It was great working with Miss Jenn Davis for the first time & she even brought her own strap

8.  Girl Spanks Girl – Miss Jenn Davis has a reputation of delivering hard punishment. Last year we shot with her for the first time and she really does give as advertised. This scene in which she spanks and straps Lola Belle is excellent.

Miss Elizabeth spanking Luci Lovett is a popular combo with our fans

7.  Girl Spanks Girl – Miss Elizabeth is a very popular top and Luci Lovett a very popular bottom. So it is no surprise that we have received great feedback from this scene in which strict Miss E. spanks bratty neighbor Luci with the hairbrush.

Rachel Adams really cries like crazy when Maddy Marks spanks her in this scene

6.  My Spanking Roommate – Rachel Adams is known for crying in her spanking scenes. She really goes to town in Episode 335, as what her boss Maddy Marks was saying to her sternly combined with the pain she was feeling had Rachel bawling and the tears streaming down her face.

The wooden spatula wielded by an angry decorator leaves its mark on the entitle housewife

5.  Spanking Veronica Works – Episode 139 jumps out as being very realistic as the two ladies embraced their roles – Arielle as the clueless and entitled housewife who gets on her interior decorator’s last nerve – driving Veronica to put her over her knee in the kitchen and deliver a painful spanking while chastising her for her behavior.

Miss Bernadette really knows how to give a hard punishment – which Sarah knows firsthand

4.  Spanked Call Girls – No list would be complete without spanking superstar Sarah Gregory who checks in near the top with this excellent spanking and strapping she receives from the stern Miss Bernadette.

The hand spanking is just the first round of EE13 – looks like Angela already wants to tap out

3. Girl Spanks Girl – Exclusive Education Year 13 was all about Spank Club, lead by Bella Bathory but all girls combine to spank each other. It starts with the hand and progresses to wood. This is an action packed gritty spanking epic.

The housewife training scene on Spanking Veronica Works was the brainchild of Veronica 

2.  Spanking Veronica Works – Veronica Ricci trains spoiled and rich housewives how to cook and clean and take care of their mates in this throwback to the Steppford Wives. Cherry Kitty is outstanding in her role and Veronica spanks her hard with the wooden bath brush. They execute Episode 144 to perfection.

Kitty and Clare cranked up the energy in this scene and everything about it is perfect

1. Spanked Sweeties – This scene was so spectacular it was the obvious choice to top the list. Kitty Catherine hides in the bathroom but can’t avoid the spanking she has earned. Her mom (played by Clare Fonda) chases her around before tossing her over her knee for a hard spanking that includes the wooden bath brush. This is the best mother/daughter spanking scene that I have every seen – and I’ve seen a lot of them!

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